Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kiwanis Club of Cheney Meeting Notes for January 23 2014

Kiwanis Club of Cheney Meeting Notes for January 23 2014

Dear Kiwanians,

Keith opened the meeting.  The Secret Greeter was Carl.

Pat and Roger (both sitting together) had birthdays today – so, we all sang (leading to additional happy dollars).

John Taves won the 50/50 dollars.  No one present won the card draw.

The next InnerClub meeting is at the Spokane Club on February 11 at noon.

Keith started a new fund raiser.  Everyone in attendance received a colored plastic egg.  Keith stuffed a hundred dollar bill into his egg.  If everyone would put some amount of money in their eggs and give them to Duane, then we will randomly select someone to pick an egg.  The remaining money will be donated to the Easter Egg Hunt and the Ronald MacDonald House.

Arlene Fischer cancelled the car show as part of the Cheney Jubilee so that there would be more space to sell to vendors.  She offered Kiwanis a free booth to raise money instead.  Fred Pollard will work this event.

The next Board meeting is February 3rd.

Stage West representative will be the guest speaker for the evening meeting on February 6th.

Patty Suey was our guest speaker today.  She spoke about Children’s Dental Hygiene.  So as to understand who her audience was, she asked if anyone had school-aged kids (only Fred).  Then, she asked if anyone had grandkids (everyone else – except me).  Patty worked for over 30 years for Tom Whitfield (in attendance).

-          Flossing adds six years to your life (analogous to quitting smoking)

-          4 grams equals one teaspoon

-          Xylitol is used as a diabetic sweetener which is roughly as sweet as sucrose with 33% fewer calories. Unlike other natural or synthetic sweeteners, xylitol is actively beneficial for dental health by reducing cavities and is helpful in tooth remineralization.



Kiwanis Club of Cheney Meeting Notes for Jan 16, 2014

Kiwanis Club of Cheney Meeting Notes for Jan 16, 2014

Dear Cheney Kiwanians,

Keith Walker opened the meeting (with very good attendance).

Tedd was the secret greeter.  George fined himself!

No birthdays or anniversaries (so, no additional singing).

The next InterClub meeting is February 11th at the Spokane Club.  Ed is looking for at least 4 volunteers to participate.

I announced that the weekly meeting notes would be posted on the club website for anyone who misses to review.

For the few members that interact with kids on a regular basis (eg, liaison to the Cheney High School Key Club), Jessica Deutsch will provide the required background check for free (342-0747).

The 50/50 draw was done by Benji – and he picked my ticket!  (Thanks, Benji!)

Marge reminded everyone to disseminate Kiwanis business cards to recruit potential members.

Tammy, our server at Willow Springs, sent the club a thank you card.

Bob Moscat volunteered to head up the Easter Egg Hunt this year.

The club is scheduled to man the Ronald MacDonald House in April.

Keith reported that he made contact with Arlene, Cheney City Manager and Chair of the Cheney Jubilee Committee.  Initial indications are positive.

Tedd presented his basketball competition in Europe this past summer.  A team of senior citizens from Portland and Spokane formed a basketball team to compete in major sporting tournaments in Greece and Italy (one being the World Masters Games).  In Greece, the US NW basketball team (of which Tedd was a member) placed second overall!  In the World Masters Games, the team came in third (another US team came in first)!  Impressive accomplishment.



Thursday, January 9, 2014

Meeting Notes for Jan 9 2014

Dear Cheney Kiwanians,

There was a good turnout for the Kiwanis Club meeting on January 9, 2014. 

Carl Schwenn (now fully retired and active with the club) was the secret greeter.

Steve reported on a recent CHS Key Club meeting.

Marge identifed a few candidates to recruit as new members (to include the Key Club Advisor).

Tony announced that four members had not paid their annual dues yet.

Keith won the 50/50 draw, and donated the money to Ronald MacDonald House.

Jeri reported a profit of $780 from the sale of Sees Candy over the holiday period.

Roger is running the Valentine's Day flower deliveries, and passed around a sign-up sheet.

The Easter Egg Hunt program needs a new director.  Any volunteers?

Pat suggested a social outing for Kiwanians for a Chiefs Hockey Game.  It was agreed to go on February 5th at 7 pm.  Tickets are around $10 per person.  More info to follow.

The Kiwanian "Students of the Month" program with CHS students will begin on January 30th.

Guest Speakers:  From the "Hope Animal Assisted Crisis Response."  Ten people in the Northwest Region are on-call with their dogs to provide coomfort to those in need.  (A dog was with them giving comfort to suffering club members!)

Next meeting: Jnauray 16th.


Steve Schwalbe