Thursday, October 30, 2014

Kiwanis Club of Cheney - October 30, 2014 meeting notes

The meeting was called to order at 7am by President Tom Whitfield.  There were 24 club members, our speaker and one guest -- Lt. Governor Pat Dockrey, who spoke briefly and reminded us about the upcoming gleaning at Green Bluff.

We recognized Benji's 50th birthday and Gail won the 50/50 drawing.

Mr. Missell, assistant Cheney HS principal and athletic director, introduced two students of the month.  They are both cross country athletes:  Steaven Zachman, a senior who may attend EWU and Hannah Spakousky who is a freshman.  Both are on the all league first team and will be competing at the district meet.

Club business:
   1.  Coats for Kids - Margie reported that 315 coats were distributed and she is willing to be in charge of this event next year.
   2.  Halloween party for kids at EWU - Kirk reminded us how to access the building and passed around the volunteer sign up sheet for last minute changes.  He expects help from around 8-10 members each from Salnave K-Kids and Cheney High Key Club.
   3.  Rake a difference community service event by EWU students - Randy delivered about 20 rakes from club members and is waiting for their return. 
   4.  See's candy - Jeri reminded us about the pre-sell and said every item sold provides a couple of dollars of revenue for the club.

Speaker:  Our speaker was Wendy Schuller, EWU head women's basketball coach.  She told us about a free exhibition game tonight at Reese court at 6pm and gave us information about her players. This year's non-conference games include some tough competition and include home games with Wichita State and Gonzaga.  She said that while winning is important,  the team's top focus is on education.  This last year EWU was #2 in the US in team GPA out of over 300 schools in their division.  The team has also placed in the top 10 in several prior years.  Another team focus is community service.  Last year they provided over 350 hours of service including reading in public schools, Special Olympics and Spokane Guild School. For the  5 weeks of the current year they have already done 6 or 7 team volunteer events.

Announcements:  Rande and Margie Lindner said that the Spokane Composite CAP squadron is participating in Wreaths Across America and distributed information on how club members can sponsor wreaths which will be placed at the Veteran's Cemetery in Medical Lake on December 13. 

The meeting adjourned at 8am.

Respectfully submitted, 


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